Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Gold Force Majeure?

So what happens when the "evil rich banks" (tongue in cheek) push paper metals to zero and thus drive physical demand to ad infinitum?

Perhaps we should ask Terrence Duffy, President and Executive Chairman of CME Group Inc,. and see what he has to say.

:40s mark of video

For those short on time and interest in the subject......

"What’s interesting about gold, when we had that big break two weeks ago we saw all the gold stocks trade down significantly, we saw all the gold products trade down significantly, but one thing that did not trade down, was gold coins, tangible real  gold.  That’s going to show you, people don’t want certificates, they don’t want anything else.  They want the real product."

- Terrence Duffy, President and Executive Chairman of CME Group Inc,. on Bloomberg TV  (April 29, 2013)

That is just an amazing statement!

So was it the record sales of physical by the US mint, physical shortages in China, India, and Japan...or perhaps that Perth is once again working weekend shifts to get coins out?  Perhaps it's the 36% premium on silver coins (which are still trading at 29 dollars+, and our local shops which had 0 gold as of yesterday), or JPM's little drop in eligible gold, or perhaps he's just wrong.

Or we could look at a bit of history.
When the Great Housing Bubble crashed in 2007/2008 the Fed decided to monetize, or in the words of Ben "to stimulate the economy through lower interest rates", which has been followed by Japan, UK, EMU, BRICS, and Israel.  (I know I missed a lot of countries).  So the question on everyone's mind should be; is this a coordinated effort by central bankers, or are they acting independently and we're witnessing a currency war?  This might explain a bit of Mr. Duffy's comment.

We know for sure, the Fed owns over 4% of the US housing market, Japan has devalued 20% YTD, China is setting up trade clearing accounts with many independents, and "the GDP deflator was 1.838% (1.8%.............I honestly can add nothing, just repeat............1.8%).  Add in a touch of foreign bank buying of US Treasuries (most notably China and Japan.  The first to devalue, the latter to keep inflation in check) and you end up with a lot of folks willing to take no yield on money.  Thus they loose confidence in manipulated markets, purchase physical and wait for the debt to clear and the New Great Depression to subside.  (To be fair, manipulation may be a strong word but interest rates, gold and silver are set/maintained by bankers.  Perhaps we should touch on LIBOR, CDS pricing, HFTs, derivative position with zero chance of clearing, a debt/GDP ratio masked by hidden additions, Cypriot confiscations and the FDIC's post Dodd-Frank implications, and of course US Treasuries Gold/Silver reserves) 

So what happens when the "evil rich banks" (tongue in cheek) push paper metals to zero and thus drive physical demand to ad infinitum?

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